Koami Shrine (Nihonbashi) – Introducing Goshuin Information, Blessings, and History!!


What is Koami Shrine? What are the Blessings?
This article will explain the features of Koami Shrine, including the Goshuin received from an actual visit, the benefits of the shrine, the cost of the Goshuin, where you can receive them, and the times they are available!


What is Koami Shrine?


Koami Shrine, located just a short walk from Ningyocho Station in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, has recently gained attention as the “God of Good Fortune and Protection from Evil.” The shrine is bustling with many visitors on weekends. It is also known as the “Tokyo Zeniarai Benten,” where washing money in the Zeniarai (coin washing) well is believed to bring good financial luck. Additionally, Koami Shrine is famous as one of the stops on the Nihonbashi Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage, representing Fukurokuju.

Every November, during the Doburoku Festival, visitors can enjoy doburoku (unrefined sake) made from the year’s new harvest. The festival also features the sacred “Satokagura Dance,” a performance recognized as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the government.

Basic Information

Koami Shrine
Location: 16-23 Nihonbashi Koamicho, Chuo Ward, Tokyo
TEL: 03-3668-1080
Visiting Hours: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Blessings and Deities

At Koami Shrine, the deity of abundant harvests, “Kuraokami no Kami” (倉稲魂神), is enshrined. Additionally, the shrine also venerates Ichikishimahime no Kami (市杵島比賣神), the deity originating from Benzaiten enshrined at Manpukuju-ji Temple, which was located within the same precincts as Koami Shrine. Furthermore, as part of the Seven Lucky Gods Pilgrimage, Koami Shrine also enshrines “Fukurokuju” (福禄寿).

Blessings and Deities
◆Deities (Gosaijin)

・Kuraokami no Kami (倉稲魂神)
・Ichikishimahime no Kami (市杵島比賣神)
・Fukurokuju (福禄寿)
◆Blessings (Go-benefits)
・Strong fortune and protection from evil,Financial luck,Wealth,Prosperity in business



  • According to the shrine’s tradition, in the first year of Bunshō (1466), the Inari deity was enshrined, marking the founding of the Inari Taisha Shrine, and it has since been revered as the deity for calming epidemics.
  • During the wartime, Koami Shrine miraculously survived the Tokyo air raids unscathed, and all soldiers who went to war with the shrine’s amulets returned safely. This led to its reputation as the “God of Strong Fortune and Protection from Evil.”

Access to Koami Shrine


16-23 Nihonbashi Koamicho, Chuo Ward, Tokyo
Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line: 5-minute walk from Ningyocho Station, Exit A2
Toei Asakusa Line: 7-minute walk from Ningyocho Station, Exit A5
Tokyo Metro Hanzomon Line: 10-minute walk from Suitengumae Station, Exit 8
Tokyo Metro Tozai Line: 15-minute walk from Kayabacho Station, Exit 10

Koami Shrine’s Goshuin



This is the Goshuin of Koami Shrine! It prominently features the characters symbolizing its fame as the ‘God of Strong Fortune and Protection from Evil.’ Additionally, you can also receive the Goshuin of Nihonbashi’s Seven Lucky Gods (Fukurokuju).

The office where you can receive Goshuin is located to the left after visiting. There are various types of amulets and Goshuin available.

Goshuin Information

Bestowing Hours: 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Please confirm on the official website or other official sources before visiting)
Location: Office
Goshuin Fee: 500 yen
Style of Goshuin: Only pre-written (as of November 2023)
Official Website:Official Website

Visiting Report on Koami Shrine!!

Passing through the torii gate, let’s begin our visit!!

Let’s purify ourselves at the cyouzuya (water ablution pavilion) before starting the visit!

There was a statue of Fukurokuju. Known as the deity of health and longevity, Fukurokuju is revered for these qualities. Let’s offer a prayer in front of the statue.

At Koami Shrine, there is a place called “Tokyo Zeniarai Benten,” where you can cleanse money by putting it into a sieve. It is believed that by purifying money here, you can improve your financial luck!

“Tokyo Zeniarai Benten” – How to Cleanse Money

①Place your coins or other small items into the sieve provided, immerse them in water, and cleanse them.
②Place the cleansed coins into your wallet without using them.
③The cleansed coins serve as seed money, inviting new wealth and bringing blessings of improved financial fortune.


Thank you for reading.
Please do visit the charming Koami Shrine!

